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Understanding Your Bill

Owensboro Municipal Utilities customers receive a Combined Billing statement from OMU each month listing their charges from the previous month. This bill includes usage of OMU services – electric, water, and (optionally) internet – along with three other charges: Regional Water Resource Agency, City of Owensboro Sanitation, and Owensboro Board of Education tax. OMU collects these payments and passes them to the appropriate agency. Combining the billing for these organizations into one statement saves money and makes bill payment easier for you.

All OMU electric and water meters are read monthly and billed a few days later. We make every effort to see that you receive your bill at about the same time each month. However, the time you receive your statement may vary from 28 to 32 days depending on the weather and other factors.

How to read your bill

The Billing Details section of your bill lists the itemized charges. Following is an explanation of each item.

Electric Customer Charge

A monthly fee to cover costs of making electric service available to our customers.


This is a kilowatt usage charge for the amount of electricity you use within the current billing period.

Energy Cost Adjustment

This surcharge covers power supply costs.

Environmental Control Cost Adjustment

This surcharge covers ongoing costs associated with emissions controls at the Elmer Smith Station. Upon closure of the plant, these charges will decline over the next five years.

Water Customer Charge

A monthly fee to cover costs of making water service available to our customers.


This is a per cubic feet charge for the amount of water you use within the current billing period.

RWRA Customer Service Fee

RWRA monthly fee to cover costs for making wastewater (sewer) treatment service available to RWRA customers.

RWRA Capacity Fee

Fixed costs based on size of water meter.

RWRA Wastewater User Change

RWRA charge for wastewater (sewer) treatment based on usage.

RWRA Environmental Improvement Fee

RWRA monthly fee to cover costs for water quality improvements for the community as mandated by the EPA and KY Division of Water.

RWRA Facilities/Compliance Plan

Finances the upgrades for two wastewater treatment plants.

City of Owensboro – Sanitation

This fee covers sanitation (trash) pick-up and disposal by the city of Owensboro. The typical fee is $18 per month per toter. For more information about your trash service, please call 270-687-8760.


This the charge for OMU’s high-speed internet service to your home.

School Tax – City

This is a tax levied by the Owensboro Independent and Daviess County school systems. The tax is three percent of your total electric and water usage.

Sample Combined Billing Statement

An example of the Combined Billing Statement, based on the average water and electric usage for a residential customer.