The Kentucky/Tennessee Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) presented its Large Water Treatment Plant of the Year Award today to Owensboro Municipal Utilities and the Cavin Water Treatment Plant. The award is given to one plant each year at the KY/TN Water Professionals Conference, the annual joint conference of the Kentucky/Tennessee Section of the American Water Works Association and the Kentucky-Tennessee Water Environment Association.
To receive the award, a plant has to serve greater than 30,000 people, have no notices of violation, be in full compliance with the Kentucky Division Water regulations, and be nominated. Once nominated, the Awards Committee conducts a review of the plant’s status and performance, as well as conducting a visit and tour of the nominated facilities.
This year, the conference was held in Lexington (KY) where OMU Production employees Elmo Thompson, Kevin Frizzell, Kevin “Chief” Keown, Russ Evans, Heather King, and Brad Howton were present to receive the award.