OMU water crews have isolated the leak. They are now draining the area and preparing for excavation. Materials for the repair are on site or are procured.
Once the area is excavated and repairs begin we will have more information later this afternoon regarding an estimated restoration time.
Once repairs are made, OMU’s Plant A Water Treatment facility will be brought back online and into service. System tanks will then begin to be refilled. A system flush will be conducted, testing completed and results reviewed and approved by state water officials before the boil water order can be lifted.
We appreciate your patience and your support. Special thanks to the men and women who are working diligently to make these repairs, conduct the necessary testing and answer the questions of our customer-owners.
Please note the boil water order includes all customers of OMU, the Southeast, East and West water districts and Whitesville Water Works.
In addition, customers are asked to conserve water during this repair and restoration process.