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October is Public Power Month, Celebrate with OMU

As part of a national observance, in October Owensboro Municipal Utilities is celebrating Public Power Month along with more than 2,000 other electric utilities whose communities provide their citizens electric services on a locally-owned, not-for-profit basis.

OMU will honor its customer-owners throughout the month of October with a Customer Appreciation Day each Wednesday. Visitors to the Customer Service Center (2070 Tamarack Road) will receive a free gift.

In addition, visitors to the Customer Service Center can enter a drawing for one of four programmable thermostats. A winner will be drawn each week during Public Power Month.

OMU will extend its celebration with its annual 5K Power Run/Walk on October 31.  Registrations are being accepted now. Forms are available online at, at local fitness facilities and the Customer Service Center. Participants will receive a long-sleeved event t-shirt, eligibility for awards and door prize entry. Costumes are encouraged.

In addition, customers will receive a copy of OMU’s annual report in their October combined services billing statements. This report will provide an overview of the local utility and will also be available on OMU’s website.

Public Power Week is celebrated in conjunction with the American Public Power Association in Washington, D.C., the service organization for community- and state-owned electric utilities.