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Mercury regulation compliance costs added to customer billing

Owensboro Municipal Utilities (OMU) has long demonstrated its commitment to be a good environmental steward, by making important investments at its Elmer Smith Generating Station to meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. OMU will continue its dedication by installing technology and equipment at the generating station to meet recent Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS) set about by the EPA.

The costs associated with compliance will be shared among all of OMU’s customer classes, just as previous environmental related charges have been passed through as Environmental Control Cost Adjustments (ECCA).

Beginning in July, 2015, OMU’s combined services statement will include a line item that clearly identifies charges related to MATS compliance costs. This addition, much like others associated with environmental compliance including Nitrogen Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide, will appear within the billing details for electric service.

This charge initially will mean an approximate increase in the average electric customer’s bill of21 cents. This will, however, increase as costs increase to address mercury regulations.

For more information related to the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards, please visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s site at